Thorp Air Command -

Canopy Fairing
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Author:  denndowning [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Canopy Fairing

The fairing on the canopy of the T-18 I just purchased is missing (both on the front canopy, as well as on the slider), so I need to make or buy another one. Does anyone make these, or is this something I have to make myself?

Author:  Richard H Woodcock [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Canopy Fairing

I'm pretty sure that you have to make it. There's enough variation between T18's (and differences in design) - so that a "universal" fairing set would be difficult.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Canopy Fairing

Dennis: I believe this subject came up about a year ago (check the archieves) and I assume you mean the trim strips for the canopy edges and the trim around the windscreen. Richard is right, each one will be slightly different. For me it was a time consuming project. Due to the curvature of the frame and glass you just can't cut a straight piece of aluminum and attach it. It will not look right and it will not fit right.

Go to the 99 cent store and buy several sheets of heavy duty poster board and use these to make your paper template...this is how I did it. Then you can make necessary adjustments (to the paper) before cutting the actual trim pieces. I think I used at least 3/4 of a 4 x 8 sheet of 0.032 6061 by the time I was done (had to redo a few pieces...). The largest piece (using the most material) was the piece going over the top of the windscreen, if I remember right when I traced the paper onto the alum. it required a piece of sheet from the 4 x 8 about 7 inches wide due to the curvature. [:0] They may be small once cut out, but they eat up a lot of material. I also put a "bevel" on both edges of the strips using an edge rolling tool. Available at Spruce for about $20.00.


Author:  leewwalton [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Canopy Fairing

You're in luck, you have two of the most experienced Thorp builders/fliers in your neighborhood. Contact Bill Williams and or Bob Highley (both forum members). I'm sure they'd be happy to let you make some tracings of their canopy/windshields to get a head start.

Author:  denndowning [ Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Canopy Fairing

Thanks to everyone for all of the good info and help. Dennis.

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