I have the 550 x 5 standard axel with a wheel pant stub. End is tapped for a 1/4 x 28 screw/bolt. Like Bill I cut an aluminum spacer to fit between the axle and the pant. I put a doubler on the inside of the pant and on the outside and run a 1/4 screw with a star lock washer thru the spacer into the tapped hole in the axel.
Final painting 001.jpg [ 1.36 MiB | Viewed 6328 times ]
Copy of All the major pieces installed 001.jpg [ 1.04 MiB | Viewed 6328 times ]
From the one pic of the unpainted pant you can see the rivets for the doubler which is also part of the small access door I use to access the tire valve stem. With almost 80 hours on the "new pants" the attach screw has remained tight.