Thorp Air Command -

500 X 5 Brake Assembly
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Author:  Stephen Peirce [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

I'm looking for a set of Brake Torque Plate Assy's. for the 500 X 5 Model 30-9 Cleveland Brakes. This is the part that attaches to the axel it's self. The set I bought is short these Plates.

Author:  Victor Thompson [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

Steve: If your kit was short some items I would try to contact your supplier. If this is not possible then try:

Aircraft Spruce: ... 5brake.php

or Sky Shop: ... %20242.pdf

Sure there is other suppliers. Hope this helps.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

Aye Carumba ! If you got shorted on these parts in your kit, a call to the supplier would be wise. Now that I've looked up the price on these babies, I will treat mine like family !

Used on a good day $50.00 each
New from Spruce ( if I read it right ) $165.00 each ! [:0] I hope I am wrong.


Author:  Stephen Peirce [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

I picked the 500x5's from a guy that has aged out and is not flying any more. I'm now to the point that I'm ready to install them and noticed the Torque Plates were missing. Ahhhh oh my, and yea, new from Spruce they are pricey. I have and inquiry to Whitworth Salvage to see if they have some. Just wanted to see if any of the Clan might have some spares.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

Check E-Bay, might be a pair there looking for a new home. Not quite sure why they are priced in the upper atmosphere ? Probably like carb parts, the manufactuer has to pay the lawyers, pending accident law suits ! [}:)] Seems like they are just steel plate, with some carefully placed holes [?]


Author:  fytrplt [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

Beware of used versions of these items. They are wear items and, if out of limits, can cause your brakes to bind. Binding brakes are bad news as they can and have caused fires after taxiing a ways.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

I believe you are talking about the guides for the calipers to slide into on the backing plates ?


Author:  tubetwister [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

In the spirit of homebuilt aircraft, why not make your own torque plates? Yes, RB is correct, properly placed holes, etc. but if you have the skills to build a Thorp, I would think you could easily build a set of plates!
Don't you look at your gear/brakes as part of preflight inspections? disc brake calipers should always have a little freeplay in them, easy to wiggle with your fingers during preflight, if it doesn't wiggle, there is a problem

Author:  leewwalton [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

I think the line of affordability vs labor might be crossed if you try to make these up yourself. Personally my brakes are not visible as part of a pre-flight. So I sleep well knowing they are certified parts.

Also as Bob pointed out alignment is key and will bite you if not properly true. I can attest to repairing two airplanes that went off-roading due to locked up brakes.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

I guess I need to clairfy my properly placed holes. Those be the holes to attach the plate to the axel. The other 2 "holes" with a welded bushing ( I think it is welded...haven't really looked ) for the caliper "pins" need to be spot on (alignment) to allow the caliper to "float." If you could compare the "run out" (wear) with a new vs used part in regard to the bushing (for lack of another term for the gizmo), then you may be OK. Mine are new and are enclosed in the wheel pant and are not available for pre-flight inspection. Disclaimer...I said "should", "could" and "may." Not "will" and "shall", along with "must." I too will sleep well knowing my binders are not binding ! [|)]


Author:  Stephen Peirce [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

I think I would spend more time building up a jig for alignment and fabration than it would be worth. My time is valuable and everyone wants a peice of my free home time, which limits my aircraft builder time. So calculating thru the "Make or Buy Plan", it's a Buy Item. I just don't have time to do the Make. I did not want to cause a peeing contest here. Again just wanted to see if any of the Clan might have a set of Torque Plates to spare a fellow builder.

Author:  tubetwister [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

Sorry guys, I didn't mean any malicious thoughts here, but as a fabricator (I make racecar caliper mounting plates all the time) I would have thought would be an easy manufacture, that would not require fancy jigs etc. They are not much more than a flat plate, 4 holes to bolt onto the spindle mount, and two lugs for the calipers to attach to.
for what the price of new ones are (along with the usual FAA PMA paper trail) For $165 for non-certified airplane & parts, I would build a pair identical to these (if they were going on my own plane, or a customers racecar) for that price, and buy myself a nice lunch with the profit.
I do check my calipers as part of preflight (yes, I saw an airplane on fire one day fromo a rightside caliper dragging) both my Thorp and my Cessna 182 have fairings that cover the brakes, but can still stick my finger up in them, and wiggle the calipers. Is something we check on our racecars as a pre-race checklist (similar to preflight inspections)
I never factor in my labor for any of my airplane stuff, (might be a reason why I am single??!!??) if I did, I would have another heart attack. I do this for the labor of love of my favorite passtime, and the pride of saying "Ya, I built that!"
A quote by the infamous TV Jesse James (motorcycle guy) "There is no better form of self expression, than to build something with your own two hands, and put it out there for the world to see"
If I can ever help another Thorp builder clear these types of hurdles, I would love to be of assistance, I do not have a spare set of caliper mounts, but think it is an easy manufacture.

Author:  jrevens [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

I think you would want to make them out of the same type of steel. Might be 4130, maybe not. N or A? After welding the bushings on they're annealed in that area for sure. Are they hardened or normalized again afterwards? Also, they're cadmium plated. You should have that done by a shop that can bake the part properly for hydrogen embrittlement immediately afterwards. A lot to think about, and probably more expensive than you might think. I don't mean to make it more complicated than it is, but there you go. This is coming from a guy who even built his own steel tailspring assembly from scratch (I know - that's not a real big deal), and I have my own TIG rig, but I think I'd buy the Cleveland (or equivalent) part. I think Grove is kind of a Cleveland copy... are they identical?

John Evens N71JE
Arvada, CO

Author:  Tom Hunter [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

Got to agree with John E. on those plates that the brake calipers "float" on. I recently had my wheel assemblies apart to inspect and lube them. I looked at those plates with the tubes where the pins slide and they look simple enough, but when you consider what they are doing, I don't think it would be a part I'd want to fabricate.

Author:  tubetwister [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  500 X 5 Brake Assembly

WOW , Guys, I didnt think I was causing such an uproar. BUT let me explain, I am a very experienced fabricator/machinist. I have built many NASCAR stockcars that have ran over 200 mph, and were are taking our homebuilt car back to Bonneville this year, withhopes of a 34 Ford rear engine roadster close to 285 mph (hope Frase can make it this year!) I look at these caliper brackets, and to me seem pretty simple and straight forward. yes, JE is correct as to the mat'l and the process, BUT aren't we homebuilders? How many have made wing attach fittings? I helped my Dad build the original landing gear on my Thorp whenI was just a kid! And I have never factored my cost to build anything, (I am guilty of spending WAY too much time building something, because I wanted it just a certain way). But I do respect the guy who is smart enough to know his own limits (even I have them,and exercise them when flying ie: I stay outta clouds!)
I am sorry, didnt mean to open such a can of worms, but dang, I have built so many brake components in my life, and like I said, they are for a homebuilt, NOT my certified Cessna (which Iwould bite the bullet and pay the money for them!) I did have to manufacture a new shimmy damper for my 182 once, cause I couldn't find even a used one with the correct p/n, went through the hassle of contacting the Reno FSDO when I did it, the FAA guy was surprised when he looked at what I had done.
I respect all of your opinions and everyones skills. I just thought...........

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