A few more pics of PDT's (Plane Dokter Todd, the hangar neighbor) werk - I was his gorgeous assistant. Fotos below
This is what was left of the original
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Bolted in position ready for riveting to the bulkhead and drilling out the longeron holes
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From the back - note the tabs under the bulkhead on the longerons - at first this concerned me, as the the bulkhead was flanged/tab'd to the longerons, but as I drew out the load paths, and with the thickness of the new piece, it made sense. Also note the spacer between the bracket and the bottom skin.
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The bracket with the longeron holes drilled out and just prior to riveting in place - we mounted the tailwheel first and got everything lined up before drilling them. Some of you may think I'm nutz, but I elected to put 4 3/8s bolts, two per side through the longerons/plate connection. I thought it was a bit much to ask rivets to carry that thickness. I may be wrong, and it leaves four hex heads hanging in the wind, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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