Thorp Air Command -

Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate
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Author:  1albee [ Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate

I bought Bill Cordoza's Thorp and am in the process of getting it flying. One of the items I am looking for is a backing plate and a spinner for a Hartzell constant speed prop, the one's that I have are cracked. The backing plate is made of two layers of approximately .030 and are bonded together. A offset from the attach point of the hub to aft end of the backing plate is about 2.5 inch's. I have talked to a few folks and have been told they have never seen one like this before. So anyone with any knowledge of what this is or has a good spinner assembly for sale please contact me, my email address is I don't know how to attach a photo of what I have but I can email photos to anyone with an idea.
Thanks Phil

Author:  Jim Mantyla [ Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate

See Cubes, he has them in stock.

I bought a new aluminum spinner and plates from him last year and they fit great. Also the run out was virtually perfect. I could only measure .003" runout.


Author:  Hagle347 [ Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate

I've almost finished buffing the spinner kit that I got from Cubes.


Author:  1albee [ Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate

I have talked to Cubes and what he has is different than what I have. I got the spinner / backing plate back today after it being checked at a local shop and was able to take close measurements of the backing plate, the height is 1.892 the diameter is 12.625 the single layer area where the spinner meets the backing plate is .064, the area where the material is doubled at the mounting area to the Hartzell constant speed prop is .151 there are 10 screw holes to mount the spinner to backing plate. This combination may have been made or supplied by Ken Brock (the prop was originally purchased from him). Thanks to all that have tried to help, but I am still looking!!!

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate

They have some Hartzell C/S backing plates on Ebay . Mucho $$$ :o


Author:  leewwalton [ Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate

I believe we just spoke on the phone ... here's a good C/S spinner alternative.

Thorp_spinners.jpg [ 106.4 KiB | Viewed 8052 times ]

Author:  1albee [ Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted constant speed spinner and back plate

your information on the Twin Comanche spinner is very good news. looks like there is very little difference and I have one in my parts stock (my other plane is a twin Comanche). If I could find the original parts, I would still buy them just to have them on the shelf. I want to thank you for your time on the phone and your help.

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