Hello gents,
I thought I'd share my discovery today, so that others that didn't build their birds can inspect this tail gear attach point.
I noticed an ever so slight curve on the lower skin where the forward bolt of my tail wheel rod attaches. I removed the inspection plates at the base of the verticle stab to get a better inside view of the attach point, only to find the tail gear fitting had cracked at some point in the past, pulled away and completely separated (see pics). I'll save you all the details, but essentially I drilled out the rivets and removed the fitting. Unfortunately, the story doesn't stop there. Upon inspection of this "aluminum" tail gear fitting I could see the failure occurred at the 90' bend. The real surprise came when I pulled drawing A-591, tail gear fitting, STA 191.75 and found this piece was to be made of .094" 4130 steel! I can now tell someone has been in this section before, it just took 8 years of me owning it before this situation reared it's head. This area is inspected at condition, I can only assume it was an undectable crack then. You will also see in the pics that the stringer has pulled away from the bulkhead and the drilled hole pattern doesn't appear to be correct.
Looks like I've got some work to do!!
Perform a thorough preflight!