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Landing Gear and Overhaul History Questions
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Author:  DrParachute [ Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Landing Gear and Overhaul History Questions

Morning all,

I was perusing through the old logs and documents in my aircraft binder, and have a few questions.

Back in 1998, N249R got a new landing gear installed from Classic Sport Aircraft by Phil Lacy. (Picture attached) Is this the same, standard landing gear for the T-18? If not, does it change anything in the W&B calculations?

I am struggling to find my engine log #1 (#2 starts in 1979), but I did find 3 pages stapled together that appear to be 3 separate overhauls performed in 1961, 1963, and 1965 (see pictures). Any idea why the engine would be overhauled so frequently?

Before I bought the airplane, it had a prop strike (several years before, but minimal flight time after prop strike until I purchased). I reached out to the shop that pulled the engine for more information, but they had a ransomware attack and all records were lost. Attached is what I have in the engine log (a few other documents around as well, but engine log has good representation of work performed). Can folks that are familiar with engine overhauls provide some context as to what the difference is between the work completed and an overhaul? The total engine repair cost (not including prop replacement) was around $18k back in 2014/15.

Thanks all!
N249R (2+2)






Author:  Swoop76 [ Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Landing Gear and Overhaul History Questions

Dr. Parachute,

I did a prebuy on that aircraft in 2018, and looked into the logs a bit. I even spoke with the guys at Triad Aviation a bit to try and connect the dots.

I’d be happy to share what I can remember about it and what I learned. Feel free to message me and I’ll get you a phone number and we can chat.

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