Good info on the rudder effectiveness speed, but a little confused about the tailwheel not being effective below 30 ? I guess I should have given more info on my "taxi tests." They were conducted on a long and wide paved runway under adult supervision and the speed was kept below V1. Well below V1...25 on the GPS. A/C tracked straight down the runway and the braking was EXCELLENT ! I punked about the V1 speed, must be my younger years working for money.
This was not a "will it fly test" ( I know it will fly), but more of a "get to know ya test." The feel of the rudder pedals, braking action, throttle response, visibility during taxi, engine run ups, using check lists, leak checks and a new one that happened today...tail wheel unlocking during a tight turn. Just trying to remove as many variables from the equation prior to the first flight.
Last edited by admin on Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.