Thorp Air Command -

Requirement for tailwheel endorsement
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Author:  Rich Brazell [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Requirement for tailwheel endorsement

As I am getting closer to the magical first flight a tailwheel endorsement seemed in order. As I pulled on my waders and mushed thru the regs, I found an intresting note concerning the tailwheel endorsement. It seem due to my age (finally I score on this one !) and prior flight experience I don't need the tailwheel endorsement in my massive log book. [:)] FAR 61.31 states..." You don't need a tailwheel endorsement if you've already logged PIC time in a tailwheel airplane prior to April 15, 1991." As I soloed a Citabria in 1975, it seems I am good to go unless the Sea Lawyers in the group have any different info.

Yes I know, don't jump in and blast off without any "current" tailwheel time. I do plan to get some dual T-18 time, probably starting next month and yes I will pay for it ! Like Dan, I will spend countless hours taxing around the airport until I get my sea legs or until I am booed off the property ! [:0]


Author:  PeterCHille [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Requirement for tailwheel endorsement

Where are you going to get your T18 dual RB. I want to buy some T-18 also. I am in the same boat but all my tailwheel is in DC-3s.
I want to buy a good folding wing T-18/S-18.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Requirement for tailwheel endorsement

I was actually kidding about buying some T-18 time. I have a friend that is kind enough to give me some stick time in his T-18 A/C. [:p] There have been several S-18's listed on Barnstormers in the last few weeks. Priced way less than they should be ! Most expensive was about $35,000? I believe there may be several Florida Sand Crabs that might be able to give you some T-18 time ? [;)]


Author:  admin [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Requirement for tailwheel endorsement

Hey Lee,
Maybe we should put certificates on the Ambassadors link. What do you think?

*** admin posted for cubes ***

Author:  leewwalton [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Requirement for tailwheel endorsement


I don't see any reason why not. We'll make it voluntary though.

Would anyone listed as an ambassador on the 'Thorp Ambassadors' page who would like their ratings displayed please send them to me.

Thanks Guys!

Author:  Jim Mantyla [ Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Requirement for tailwheel endorsement

Gee,I just bought a book, read it a few times and put it on the seat beside me with my first homebuilt plane. I flew it about 125 hours without any issues. Then when I bought the Stinson I had the check pilot write something nice about the tailwheel stuff in my log book.

Times have changed I guess.

Jim Mantyla

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