Thorp Air Command -

why the build IS worth it!
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Author:  mmp1 [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  why the build IS worth it!

Every G.A. bucket was up over, going, comin' to the field today before the Alaskan front-feeder lines up on the Sierra Nevadees this weekend into next week.
10 mins = 1 ga. avgas is my weekly allotment for now.
Normally I'd be up at dawn but the MM don't like 0 cel hand propn' EVEN with a blow-dryer warm-up on the pan.
So, there I waited for the trainer Robinson to stop pedal turns along the parallel taxi back and every C15x and C17x within 50 clicks to stop draggn' 2 mile finals.
At last, the lightest bent-wing lights up with the mighty MM firewalled.
At 782 pounds naked 'er tail pops up withing 50' and she is off the deck BEFORE the first turn-out.
Again JW's dream is back where she belongs...

Image Insert:

Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  why the build IS worth it!

Words dinna ken do justice to the above prose n'or the image. Out from the ashes did yee come oh one of great height, and congrats from one currently wingless, yea, but not for long. She looks regal.

Author:  jrevens [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  why the build IS worth it!

She does indeed!

John Evens N71JE
Arvada, CO

Author:  thorp11dc [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  why the build IS worth it!

WOW A real beauty. Dean Cochran N11DC.

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