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Rich Brazell
 Post subject: Leather mic muff
PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:45 pm 
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Thought I would give one of these a try and it sure looks like it works better than expected . A leather mic muff you can get off e-bay for $9.99 , free shipping and no tax . About $5.00 more from Spruce and Oregon Aero . It blocks about 90%+ of background noise and my transmissions have never been clearer . ??? You can also make your own with an old leather glove by just cutting off one of the fingers and making the 2 small holes that are required to make it work . They come from , but for some reason they are not listed on her web site ? I use the budget headsets so not sure if they work on the $500 headsets you all big spenders use . I suppose you can call Tina and find out . 1-817-490-0046 . ;)

RB :-*

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Bill Williams
 Post subject: Re: Leather mic muff
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:53 am 
For years I have used different headsets, Softcom, David Clarkes, Flightsoft and several ones that Gulf Coast Avionics sells. While looking at Ebay, I found a used set of Bose X headset for $250, I bought them, now I know why they sell for $1000 when new. They reduce the noise level to what 60 MPH in a car with the windows open. I'm very pleased with the headset and they do have a foam muff, I'll try a leather to see if it improves.

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