Here are a couple of photos of my install of a Navworx ADS600-EXP, it's so new I haven't flown it yet. I have run the config software and it is getting data from my KT76A transponder. I installed it under the passenger seat because it allowed me easy access to the transponder antenna cable to attach the Navworx TransmonSPE (Transponder monitor Single Point Entry). In the photo the main box is mounted to the bottom skin, the coil of cable is a 6' usb cable from the TransmonSPE which is mounted on the right (partly hidden by the seat rail) and clamps on to the transponder antenna cable. The other cable bundle is the excess GPS antenna cable. My transponder antenna is in the center of the usb coil. The hardest part of the install was crawling into the tail cone to install the UAT antenna cable, it needed to be 5' from the transponder antenna.
I purchased the interior gps antenna, the black one on the right. The other gps antenna is for my panel mount non-waas gps. They are both mounted on the aft part of the turtle deck under the canopy.
The other features I like about this unit is the wifi, it'll talk to my iPad and sent it traffic and weather, it has an internal WAAS gps and when squawking 1200 (vfr) it goes into stealth mode and sends tail number N0 instead of my tail number. No sense telling the FAA who you are all the time when they don't need to know.
Also this unit was the least expensive ADS-B solution for me with my current equipment.