KWK wrote:
Were I set against flaps, I'd consider adding 10-12" to the mains to minimize the increase in touch down speed.
It seems Thorp and I are on the same wavelength. I glanced at his first article in
Sport Aviation today, when the design still had no flaps, and I see he was calling for 11 deg in the 3 point, up from the 9.5 deg now in the plans, and about what you'd get adding 4" to the mains. It's not clear to me where the extra 1.5 deg went. That early drawing had a tailwheel more like the Trusty, rather low, but that wouldn't get you 1.5 deg. The 3-view in the plans indicates the view over the cowl (10.5 deg down) is more than the 3 point attitude, so perhaps once he had flaps he jacked up the tail to give a better view down the runway. The available 2" longer mains plus the Trusty should get you close to the original specs for the 3 point.
edit: trig. error!