I have received the paperwork for our T-18 static display at the 2017 NAF El Centro Air Show . Right now I have (2) aircraft signed up . Mine and Erin & Phil's . The actual air show will be on the 11th of March 2017 , which is a Saturday . If you would like to be part of the action PLEASE let me know !

The attendance form let's us set our own arrival and departure dates . I think it would be easier for all of us to arrive Friday NLT 1200(L) and leave Sat. afternoon after the Blues conclude their show which is usually the last event of the day ending around 1600 (L) . I really need to get this request back to Base Ops ASAP to they can schedule our billeting/transportation/fuel/ramp space , etc. Better to say yes now and I can always CNX you at a later date .

As we have a fairly small foot print I am pretty sure they can handle all the AC we throw at them . If you think you would like to attend I need you to send me the following...
1. N number of your aircraft.
2. Picture of your aircraft .
3. Number flying in and gender .
4. If you are a couple please state so , so I can request appropriate billeting .
5. Approx. number of gallons of fuel on arrival . If other than 100LL state so . If you require auto fuel that may be a problem ?
6. Number of passes for guests , if you have any attending .
7. Approx. arrival time Friday . Approx. departure time Saturday .
BOOM , CHICKY BOOM !(H) 619-669-0583