If you are bored and want something to do on your Thorp, take a trip through Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin 388C. Until recently, I had never heard of this document and have been blissfully operating Lycoming engines for thousands of hours. It says, to paraphrase, "ALL engines must have their exhaust valve guide clearance checked every 400 hours." My IO-360 "chuggled" in flight a couple of times recently, so I went to the experts who acquainted me with the aforementioned document.
Sooo...last week was spent prepping and accomplishing the inspection and subsequent valve guide reaming.

My man Herman doing the deed.

Valve guide boss on number four cylinder.
Note the cooked on oil on the outside of the guide boss. This indicates a lot of heat caused by excessive fiction. This valve was also tight and dragging when we moved it manually.
We removed all of the valves, reamed and honed the guides and now everything is smooth as silk. Haven't run it yet, so time will tell.
Based on what I found in my 485 hr. cylinders, I would urge you to consider SB 388C, if you are experiencing any roughness.