I carry hull and liability for $31k hull value, my current quote from AIG for next year is $1270. In the 11 years that I have owned the aircraft I have had 2 claims, both prop strikes, the first was in the hangar and AIG paid $6500 for an engine tear down and inspection. The second was while taxi along a turf strip the main wheel sank into a soft spot, broke the wood prop, bent the main gear and when the tail returned to terra firma bent the -576 rear bulkhead. The bill for the engine inspection, new -576 bulkhead and -583 tail wheel fitting (thanks Cubes), new prop and straightening the gear was $10k. Between the two claims I have received back more than what I had paid in premiums up till the last incident. Note: my premium had been about $950 until after the last claim. Liability portion for $1M coverage is $470. I could save $300 if I changed the hull to not in flight. I have no deductablies.
The first prop strike was a good thing, was in the hangar, no motion, the aircraft was not moving, no damage. The engine had been making metal. During the inspection found that the camshaft intake lobe for cylinder 1 & 2 was about 50% gone and there were some other ADs that needed to be addressed, so for about $2000 in parts I had a bottom end overhaul, the cylinders at that time had 400 hours after a top overhaul. So I have a 47 year old engine that should be good for another 2000 hours.
Of my current quotes, AIG was half of all the other quotes. I use Sky Smith for my insurance broker.
Just another data point, enjoy