I had the privilege of seeing the Les Sky Machine at Oshkosh 17, and it is, indeed, an amazing piece of workmanship and innovation!
Well, yesterday was the BIG DAY! N12055 had her first flight since 1993 as far as I can tell. Also since my 3.5-year refurb! That was waaaayy longer than I thought it would take, but that's a different story. N12055 was originally build by Robert Kiergard in 1974 and he was known for building T-18's strictly to the plans and amendments. This was his second T-18. He outfitted her with a Lycoming O-290D.
After preheating, take-off was at 1:19 pm yesterday. I don't have a mechanical or electric fuel pump, so I first pump the throttle twice and go out and hand-prop 6-8 blades. Then I jumped in and the Lycoming O-290D fired up in 1 blade with the starter and she was rare-in' to go. Going down the runway at around 30-40 MPH, I could feel the fixed pitch 66-72 prop bite into the air and accelerate. She jumped up into the air in only 800'. I didn't see the initial ROC, but later as I climbed up toward 3,500' I saw 1800 fpm. We recorded a lot of numbers during the 20-minute flight (it felt like it was 30-40 minutes), but the number I liked the most was 150 mph at 2300 RPM in level flight at 3,500'. No wheel pants too. I was told it would cruise at 160 mph and I believe it - just haven't got there yet. Oh yeah - the airflow ripped my GoPro camera off the belly and broke the mount. I'll take that as a good sign
The plane flew so nicely. Controls in all axes were natural and light. Trim hardly needed adjusted after takeoff with just me and 12 gallons of fuel aboard. Very comfortable.
I had planned on orbiting the airport but had a chase plane with me and we strayed away from the airport while he looked me over in flight. You'll like this - I told him I better turn around and head back to the airport, and when I did I couldn't find the airport anywhere around me. Turned out we were 8 miles away! I'm just amazed at how this aircraft covers ground so fast. I'm unfamiliar with the airport and landmarks where N12055 is based at, so I had to turn to the GPS map only to find the airport far in the distance. I was looking for where it would have been in a 172. Crazy!
The approach and landing was uneventful. I was a little high on final with 20 flaps, so I went to 30 and they really increased the sink rate for me. You guys all know about the joys of the T-18, but this whole flight was a surprise and a real treat for me. The past 3.5 years was worth it. I LOVE THIS AIRCRAFT!
THANKS TO ALL OF YOU ON THIS FORUM WHO HELPED WITH YOUR ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS ALONG THE WAY THESE PAST YEARS!!! THANKS, CUBES, FOR THE PARTS, HELP, AND THE TRAINING! I had a whole lot of help, too, from my buddies and groundcrew at Rostraver Airport, FWQ. Couldn't have done it without all you guys. My wife was very supportive of this project, and she and my youngest son were on hand for the flight as well