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If you care not to fold the wing , just bolt it in place and leave it alone . I have had the folding wing version since 2011 (first flight) and have been very happy with it . I have had the AC stored at home here in San Diego for the last 8 years . Hangars are at a premium and years on a waiting list . After 8 years I finally broke down and rented a hangar at KSEE . Figure 8 years x $500.00 month (keeping AC at home on trailer) , that's $48,000 . A good investment in my book !
As far as the trailer my design came from Gus Gordon . With wings folded and on the trailer the whole rig is California street legal ! I am not an engineer but , the "universal joint" on the rear of the wing is more for transporting the wing than flying . I know the "pip pin" is not structural and can actually be missing . I'll let the engineers chime in regarding universal joint . If you do not want to fold the wing but , want the Lou Sunderlund wing use bolts to secure it in place . You may need NAS bolts or hand fit them to get a snug/no play in the wing at the wing attach point at the wing break .