After nearly two years of using my Thorp as a commuter, I took a new position and have relocated to Kansas City, with my Thorp at Lee's Summit (LXT).
It's a huge change being at such an active airport compared to my quiet grass strip in Florida. I love the feel of small airports, but I'm excited that night landings won't be so scary and that I'm the third Thorp on the field! There are about 10 times as many RVs as Thorps, but it's still great to have more than one of our kind.
I flew from Florida to Missouri last weekend, and apart from some creative storm dodging flying through a mild front, it was great being able to cross half the country in an afternoon.
My use case has changed now that I'm not commuting regularly with it. We'll need to work in more trips to nearby destinations, with Kentucky Dam on the radar in a few weeks.
Bob, if you'll show us your much-touted formation flying method, Dr. Parachute and I will have something to do on the flight home.