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Supporting Owners, Builders and Pilots of the Thorp T-18 and its variants.
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Jeff J
 Post subject: Chuck Shuster passed
PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 1:34 am 
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Chuck Shuster’s daughter called me tonight to let me know her father had passed away a couple of weeks ago. He was the builder of the Thorp I own. He had put 1,000 hours on the airplane and he told me once he liked to fly around the country to visit friends so I assume he had taken it to some of the gatherings. It had a Ford V-6 engine on it for a while. I didn’t press for specifics but it sounded like cancer got him.

Thorp T18
O-320-B3B (160 HP)
68x74 Sterba Propeller

"The joke in aviation is, 'If you want to make a million, you'd better start with £10m.' " -Bruce Dickinson

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 Post subject: Re: Chuck Shuster passed
PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:31 am 
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Sorry to hear that. He was one of the good ones.

Bob Highley
SN 835

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James Grahn
 Post subject: Re: Chuck Shuster passed
PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:49 am 
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Anytime a Thorper passes, a bit of our history goes with them. Sorry to hear about this.

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 Post subject: Re: Chuck Shuster passed
PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 9:48 pm 
Jr. Member
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Sorry for not posting this sooner as Chuck was a close friend of mine and indeed a great Thorp enthusiast going way back. Chuck flew that plane he built all over the country with a 135 hp 0-290. When the engine needed an overhaul he installed a V-6 Ford with the Javelin conversion and brought it to KY Dam and Gary Greens fly-in, it had a sweet race car sound during a fly-by. He later bought Les Conwells engine and had it overhauled, put on a new prop and tailwheel but unfortunately turned ill and never had a chance to fly it afterwards. He had a great sense of humor and when told by his doctor that he couldn't drive anymore he asked his doctor if he could still fly his airplane. The doctor stated, "FLY, I don't want you driving and I certainly don't want you flying either"! Chuck was a long time member of EAA Chapter 101 which was a hotbed for T-18's years ago and will be dearly missed. His cancer had spread to his bones and he went downhill quickly. His daughter had said they would be having a memorial service some time in the future but haven't heard anything from her. Rest in peace Chuck.

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