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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:38 pm 
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For the GoPro, I am thinking of having my A&P fabricate something to attach to the vertical stab fin cap screws that would hold a mini-bicycle-handlebar horizontally. Then use GoPro's Handlebar / Seatpost / Pole Mount gizmo (image below) to hold the camera facing forward. Any issues you can foresee? I envision having it "float" either forward and above the tail fin, or directly above it, not in front of it. Really don't want to stick something to the wing, I'm paranoid about that even though others have good results. Comments invited.


Philip Mandel
S/N 957
Beaverton OR

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:39 pm 
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My A&P sleeps with my wife.

Bob Highley
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:12 pm 
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This seems like a good thread to post this question:
What are owners doing about maintenance and inspection of the outer aileron bellcranks?
(Standard wing.)
Has anyone installed inspection panels?
Does anyone have any tricks besides removing the outer wings?
Or do people just ignore the bellcranks?


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Jeff J
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:13 pm 
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I have been wondering the same thing about the bellcranks. Even pulling the outer wing panel doesn’t offer a very good view of mine. I have an inspection panel in my left wing but that is only because I put a pitot tube in the same bay.

On the GoPro... some people get away with external mounting the cameras but some don’t. I cannot justify the expense of replacing a camera if I was to lose it nor do I have any desire to explain to the feds why my camera was so poorly mounted that it fell off the airplane and got reported for some reason.

Thorp T18
O-320-B3B (160 HP)
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"The joke in aviation is, 'If you want to make a million, you'd better start with £10m.' " -Bruce Dickinson

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:42 am 
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On the bell crank question ... a lot of guys have inspection panels under the bell crank, some have serviceable bearings, others remove the gap cover and use a mirror and a gooped up finger with grease to service/inspect that area.

On the GoPro side of things ... I'm on the 'don't risk the camera flying off' team but if you must install outside of the cabin why not just put a screw through a standard GoPro mount (ones w the sticker on the back) the proposed design seems like a bit of overkill to me.

And yes .. to Bob's point .. these are Homebuilt/Experimental aircraft .. the only thing a non builder can do is sign off a condition inspection ... Phil .. why pay an A&P to do this stuff?

Lee Walton
Houston, TX

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:48 pm 
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2. Jack. I found that I prefer to jack the plane where the A-frame attaches to the lower firewall. I felt that I didn't have a good, safe jack location down at the wheel. I found a scissor jack that came with an old Jeep with a V-notch at the lifting pad that fits the gear perfectly. I still use a couple layers of rubber padding so I don't mar or scratch the metal. The advantage for me is that it keeps the entire lower gear/axle/brake assembly unobstructed while working.

5. I put a G-meter in my plane with a hole punch. I think it's the way to go. Super-easy even if the panel is installed, and no shavings flying around.

6. Camera Mount. My belly mount broke on my first flight. It was one of the plastic mounts that had an adhesive pad. One of the two side flanges broke. Lost the camera, of course, but it was one of the cheapo units from and not a GoPro. $99 I think.

File comment: Jacking method
IMG_0298.jpg [ 2.72 MiB | Viewed 17340 times ]
File comment: Broken belly camera Mount
IMG_7842.jpg [ 1.19 MiB | Viewed 17340 times ]

John Twigg N12055 SN.79 Pittsburgh, PA (KFWQ)
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:49 am 
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Lee, you wrote: "the only thing a non builder can do is sign off a condition inspection..." I think you meant to say "...can't do..."

In any case, how can I convince you that I am not capable nor equipped to do mechanical things other than screw-things-on, screw-things-off. My mechanic is brilliant, inventive, works fast, very reasonable fees. Far rather get things done right than my sloppy work.

I currently have two camera mounts: One in the cockpit suction-cup mounted to the inside of the canopy between the pilots' heads. Great view of the panel and through the windscreen. Sample photo attached. The other one is currently out on the right wingtip via an aluminum mount I purchased, mounts using two of the wingtip screws. Very solid, but it's out on the wingtip, therefore has more jitter than if it were closer to the centerline. See photo attached.


Philip Mandel
S/N 957
Beaverton OR

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 6:35 pm 
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Thanks Phil. You are correct .., “can’t”

Lee Walton
Houston, TX

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:51 am 
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GoPro mount again -- easier than mounting to the top of the vertical stab will be mounting on the gap seal. Should be easy enough to install a couple of rivnuts (one behind the other a few inches) on top of one of the gap seals to which I can screw the mount for the camera. Stay tuned for that photo if I can grab my mechanic for the half-hour job. See proposed location in photo below.

Philip Mandel
S/N 957
Beaverton OR

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:56 am 
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Please don't drill holes in the gap cover! ... If you do ... use nutplates not rivnuts and when not installed make sure you have a stainless screw with a nylon washer in place. Either way it seems like a crime to put a hole in aluminum for the purposes of mounting a camera. Once you drill a hole ... it doesn't come back.

Lee Walton
Houston, TX

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Jeff Blanton
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:15 am 
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Be careful with mounting in that location. It could cause adverse stall effects. ... p?t=114130

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:13 pm 
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Lee, I meant notplates, not rivnuts. See why I don't do my own mods, I can't even get the lingo right!

Jeff, Wow -- am I glad I posted and you replied. Let's scratch that gap seal idea, shall we..!!

That said, as stated above, I currently have it way out on the wingtip. I don't notice any effect on stall or anything else whether the camera is mounted or not. Per the vans link you provided, however, mounting mid-wing could be whole different story. Looks like wingtip is where it's gonna stay.

Thanks, gang!

For fun, here's an example of an instructional video I used the cameras for:
Tips for flying the Columbia River Gorge between OR and WA - Eastbound

Philip Mandel
S/N 957
Beaverton OR

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:00 pm 
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I used a piece of angle stock to fabricate the piece that spans 2 wingtip screws. Then drilled and countersunk the plastic GoPro fitting( not relying on the adhesive). One mount is angled at a 45- the other points forward. Works well so far!


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Rich Brazell
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:25 pm 
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I thought of the wing tip idea , but instead attached the mount to the outer wing tie down bolt hole on the underside of the wing . The only problem I found using this method was the remote control would not work as it was not line of sight . Best option I found was attaching a suction cup to the inside of the canopy by the latch . This enabled me to move the camera (as required) allowing "point and shoot." No extra brackets or mods required . :P Boo Ya !


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