OK... here's a strange question. Has anyone ever encountered what appears to be "weak rivets."
Tonight I removed a gear leg fairing for reasons I don't want to admit. On my airplane the fairings are pretty standard: one folded skin with a strip in between at the trailing edge, riveted with AN470-4 rivets. I like to start with a 3/32 bit when I remove rivets. On half of these rivets the heads snapped off just from the torque of the drill! The rest also came off much more easily than usual. Some of the fracture surfaces appear to be old (ie fatigue cracked).
I remember when I first started this exercise I found one headless rivet on an aileron bracket in one of the wing gaps, which I thought was quite odd.
On the up side, I have not encountered a single AN426 rivet that felt weak, and most of the rivets on the airplane are flush.
Anyway, should I be worried?
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In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.