Beans huh....wife thinks you and I might get along - I can only imagine where that came from....

- if it were me, once you have determined the workmanship and the motors condition, and gotten it home, I would take apart what I could - remove wings and break down the sections, same wih the tail, cowl, etc., unscrew every panel and organize all the parts and pieces and take photos - then study the drawings (maybe do that before the afformentioned steps)and commence reassemble. This will accomplish two things - it will start your own "builder's log" and it will give you peace of mind as you start knowing and understanding the aircraft more intimately. I too questioned the requirements of the builder's log, and was told by my seasoned and Highley sought after T-18 psychiatrist that the plane had to be 51% amateur built but not necessarily meaning YOU had to be the 51%er - only one "repairman cert" issued per airplane tho.
As you have been lurking here for some time, you know the level of support and encouragement you have from the good folk on these threads.
I've just entered the twilight zone myself having just purchased a similar project, after selling my once beloved Brazen Cheating Hussy perfectly good "flying" T-18C to a snowbird - Go get one and we'll see who can finish up first - I'll show you mine if you show us yours.