In response to those who are not so happy with the possibility of joining forces with the Tailwind group here goes.
Lee - I'm not talking about "not joining forces" with the Tailwind guys as far as parking goes, but only that our celebrations should perhaps be our own. I'm glad you've clarified that, and you're talking about the same thing. Thank you.leewwalton wrote:
- The Whitman tailwind is celebrating it's 60th anniversary at an airport named after it's designer.
The Tailwind is a great airplane, but so is the T-18, and it and it's designer can certainly stand on their own. This is the 50th anniversary of our great airplane's design - a milestone that will never be repeated. leewwalton wrote:
- Chad Jensen, the Homebuilt Community Manager at EAA that will eventually be going to bat for us is a Tailwind guy.
I hope you're not trying to insinuate that we need to somehow ingratiate ourselves with Chad because he's a "Tailwind guy". If you think we'll have some kind of an edge with him because of that, I certainly hope that's not the case - he represents all homebuilders. The T-18 is one of the most important designs in the history of the EAA, and we will get a dedicated parking area for our 50th anniversary if we ask. For goodness sake, the Dyke Delta got special mention & a prime parking space for their 50th this year. And there were what, 2 of them there? leewwalton wrote:
- Tailwinds usually outnumber us at Oshkosh anyhow.
I'm not really certain about the last few years, but I think you're a little off here. Here's just a few representative years (it's a little hard to get this info, & I'm still waiting for Chad to call me back with details about where this information is accessible from the EAA) -
1982 - 41 T-18s and 21 Tailwinds.
1992 - 20 T-18s and something less than 10 Tailwinds (Tailwinds weren't in the top number group).
2002 - 3 Tailwinds, a Buttercup & 1 Cougar. I wasn't there that year, but I guarantee there were more Thorps.
The 2002 numbers may not be accurate, but I can say that all the years I've been flying my T-18 to OSH, I've rarely, if ever, seen them outnumber us. That's at Steve Wittman's airport and with Jim Clement, an important presence & "sparkplug" in the group, located close by in Baraboo, WI.leewwalton wrote:
- If we don't play ball with these folks I doubt were going to get much done.
With all due respect, that is just silly. Of course we have to "play ball", but that doesn't mean our celebration & parking privileges are somehow tied to the Tailwind group. leewwalton wrote:
- At this point there have been very few suggestions as to events next year. I'm not proposing we integrate the two planes activities but more or less piggy back off each other. for example ... we get all 4 rows reserved, the W-8/10 guys get two, we get the other two.
The way i see it the two designs perfectly complement each other, for all practical purposes the two last remaining relevant classic homebuilt designs still being built in any numbers..
I agree with you 100%. I know I'm probably being too sensitive, but you & everyone else who knows me knows that I am a fierce advocate for the Thorp. I just can't help resenting a little, the perceived insinuation that this classic, important design can't stand on it's own for it's 50th anniversary. And again, for the record, I love Tailwinds and would be proud to park next to them (just like we frequently do at OSH anyway). leewwalton wrote:
-Put short, this is happening ... I'm looking for suggestions with that in mind.