Hi all,
After the last move and my current job status (to busy to breathe), I've decided I might need to let my T-18 project go. I wanted to offer it to you folks first.
Through the past five years of work and collection, I've acquired enough material to complete the entire plane (standard T-18) with enough additional pieces to start a second project. I have two full sets of fittings, a full set of standard wing ribs, two main spars (and extrusions for a third) one set of outer spars, a complete horizontal stab spar, all of the extrusions (and the list goes on)
Work completed: fuselage panels are cut, rudder is cut, ailerons partially completed. Landing gear complete, fuel tank complete (with sending unit), dynafocal mount for 320.
Includes a full set of plans for both the T and S variant, original news letters. So complete kit ++: Let's say $8k (I'll entertain reasonable offers, feel free to contact me).
I'm located in the Dayton Ohio area, and currently have the project loaded on a trailer -- I would consider delivery as far as Texas for cost of fuel.
I'm going to go after a completed aircraft, and revisit building when I'm settled in a few years. Again, email me if interested, I will be listing on Barnstormers in a week or so.